Resident fears bypass is a done deal

A Spalding resident is calling for more information to be released on the potential route for the town’s planned western relief road.

The proposals are due to go out to public consultation next year, but Kevin Davies says he fears it is already a “done deal”.

“I find it strange that there has been little if no consultation yet, but the route already seems to be decided,” said Mr Davies, of Miles Bank.

“No-one has applied for planning permission and we have had no chance to look in detail at any plan. But it seems already decided that the road will run alongisde Vernatts Drain – which will have a big effect on me and my neighbours,” he said. “We are basically going to be looking at a new bypass in front of our homes.

“I think it’s weird that the full details are not being released, but it would seem to me that the route has all but been decided. That would make any consultation just a bit of flim flam because it’s already done,” he added.

The bypass appeared in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan from 2011-2036 and was part of the Spalding Transport Strategy 2014-2036.

“The scheme has been identified as one of the four major schemes within Lincolnshire in the short to medium term,” says the document.

The project is being overseen by the Spalding Western Relief Road Steering Group which is led by Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways Department.

“I moved from Ilford because of a new, huge complex development,” said Mr Davies, who has lived in his current home for more than 11 years.

“This route would obviously have a big impact on me and my neighbours but we have not had the chance to look at it or make any comments,” he added.

“I asked about carbon dioxide emissions and countermeasures, but it was all gestures and I think it’s a white-wash,” he said.

The stretch of road would be designed to provide a new route around the town, linking Spalding Common to Spalding Road/Pinchbeck Road.

The government awarded £12m to the project in February and there is currently a traffic monitoring scheme in 61 locations around Spalding.

The monitoring is due to end tomorrow (May 4) and the results will be used to generate a new traffic model for the town.

A spokesman for Lincolnshire County Council said there would be a major public consultation exercise around the scheme once official plans had been submitted.

It is expected to be around this time next year before that stage of the process is reached.

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