Two patients with coronavirus die at King’s Lynn Hospital

Two people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the care of Queen Elizabeth Hospital have died.

Two men, one in his 60s and one in his 70s died at the hospital, a spokesman said.

“Sadly, we can confirm that two patients who were being cared for at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn, and had tested positive for COVID-19, have died.

“Two male patients, one in their 60s and the other in his 70s, died on Tuesday, March 17 and Wednesday, March 18.

“Both were very unwell and had significant underlying health conditions.

“The patients are not related or connected to each other.

“Our thoughts and condolences are with both families during what is undoubtedly a difficult and distressing time.”

The hospital has this afternoon released an update regarding its services.

Libby McManus, QEH Chief Nurse, said: “We have set up a dedicated helpline for patients and their families who have questions about their appointments and operations and / or wish to receive updates about their loved ones. The number is 01553 214545.

The helpline is operational between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday.

“We would like to remind patients that they should assume that their appointments and surgery have been cancelled unless they hear from us otherwise.

“All non-urgent outpatient appointments are being done on the phone, where safe to do so.

“We will rearrange operations as soon as possible and apologise to patients for any inconvenience or distress this causes.

“Visiting restrictions remain in place at QEH and we have asked our Ward Managers to use their discretion when giving access to visitors.

“Based on current evidence, COVID-19 presents with flu-like symptoms including a new and continuous cough and/or a high temperature.

“To protect yourself, please be scrupulous with your hygiene and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth and use and then bin tissues if you cough or sneeze.

“Thorough hand washing will help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. If you have to come into hospital, please use the handwash basins in the main entrance and hand gel.”

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