Thanks for your continued support

Donate A Dinner continues to help families across the district thanks to the generosity of readers and local businesses.

The Spalding and South Holland Voice teamed up with Coun Harry Drury to launch the appeal, which aims to ensure that no child goes hungry while the schools are closed during the coronavirus pandemic.

We’ve been delighted with the support shown since the launch with readers donating store-cupboard essentials and businesses pledging their support too.

Kelly Newman, of A Country Kitchen, is donating 30 freshly prepared meals to the appeal every week.

Coun Drury said: “I cannot begin to thank both the residents of South Holland and businesses alike for the overwhelming generosity we have experienced so far in donations of food which have been distributed to vulnerable children, food banks and vulnerable adults. Every donation goes to a worthy household who are in need of food.

“This week is no exception with another extremely generous donation of 30 prepared meals from Kelly and the team at A Country Kitchen.

“These meals this week were distributed by the Spalding and Pinchbeck COVID Kindness Team.

“We have also collected our largest weekly donation so far from residents who have donated via our Sainsbury’s collection point.

“Thank you so much, these items this week will be distributed by the Holbeach Food Bank.

“With the recent announcement from the Prime Minister, we have started to see the early stages of a plan to begin lifting the lockdown measures we have been experiencing.

“However, the most vulnerable remain to need the same level of support as they have been receiving and in some cases, there are people and families who have been out of work who are only now starting to feel the pressure and begin to need the communities support, so please keep donating.

“If you are experiencing hardship or know someone who is, you can call a confidential specialist service administered by Lincolnshire Resilience Forum on 01522 787 034. You can also email either Rachel or myself confidentially.”

If you would like to support the appeal, we are asking for donations of storecupboard essentials such as pasta, rice, bread, tinned goods and packet which can be left at the collection point at Sainsbury’s.

Any donations are then distributed to the most vulnerable families across South Holland.

Alternatively if you are unable to get to Spalding but would still like to help, please get in touch and Harry will endeavour to have your donation collected from your home. Please email [email protected] or [email protected] with your details for either a collection or to request support.

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