Projects in district get latest round of funding

A host of projects in South Holland, including the funding of council projects like providing market gazebos and the creation of a spring festival for Spalding, have been given government funding.

Chain Bridge Forge, Long Sutton Youth Shed, and the University of Lincoln will also benefit from the UK Shared Prosperity and Rural Prosperity Funds (UKSPF/REPF) latest distribution money.
The South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, of which South Holland District Council is a part, says it’s distributed £780,000 to a number of projects, though its not stated how much goes to which.
The projects are:
l Branded gazebos for South Holland markets – It will allow South Holland District Council to “ensure an attractive retail environment that would enable traders to grow their income and to attract new start businesses,” a partnership spokesman said. “The branded and uniform offer will improve the aesthetics for customers, increasing footfall to our town centres, therefore benefitting other businesses, and will be rolled out across the district, ensuring that areas beyond Spalding are able to access this attractive, revitalised retail environment and share in the benefit of this project, including all five markets across the South Holland district.”
l Growing blacksmithing with Chain Bridge Forge – They money is to promote the forge as it continues to keep the tradition of blacksmithing alive.
It’s to include digital simulations to take into schools, open days and events.
l Expansion of the South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone by The University of Lincoln – This is to market the Holbeach-based business park and engage 15 businesses in research and innovation projects there.
There’s also a bid to ensure 60 people gain qualifications through the zone’s businesses and engage school children with the project.
l Spalding MARK IT trail to be delivered by Spalding Civic Society – The trail will consist of high quality artworks situated in town centre spots – in the same streets as those in which animals were traditionally sold.
“This will draw visitors into the town but also, encouraging visitors and residents to explore areas of the town that they may not usually be drawn to.”
l Long Sutton Youth Shed – The Youth Shed is encouraging young people in the town to learn new skills with the funding set to recruit additional members to lead sessions and expand its offering to five days a week, up from two.
l Spring into Spalding event put on by South Holland District Council’s Communities team – £9,537 of the funding will be allocated to South Holland.
This is to once again put on a one-day free event.
A spokesman for the partnership said: “This project is an expansion of the same event that was held in 2022 and was hugely successful.”
l Lincolnshire Community Foundation’s Youth Engagement Project – The project is to provide grant funding to organisations that can deliver preventative measures to help young people at risk of committing a criminal offence or becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and in so doing reduce the re-offending rate. This is supported by a substantial match funding contribution of £107,000, which will be invested in the project.
l Launch of the Pride in Place Community Volunteer Scheme by the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership – £11,181 of the funding will be allocated to South Holland.
It’s to create a Trusted Volunteer network increasing the number of volunteers who are supported to ‘do good’ in their local community.
A spokesman for the partnership said: “The aim of this project is to increase the feeling of pride within our local communities for the places people live, work and visit.”
Additionally, parish councils, village halls and community spaces will also enjoy a substantial share of UKSPF funding in this round, with nearly £340,000 to be distributed to 20 projects across the area as the Lincolnshire Community Foundation distributes more awards from its UKSPF funded programme (GRASSroots).
l Grants are going to: Gosberton Youth Centre, Lutton Parish Council, Weston Parish Council, Quadring Parish Council, Tydd St Mary Parish Council, Scarlet Community Music Club and Gosberton Bowls & Snooker Club.
Coun Paul Redgate, portfolio holder for Finance, Commercialisation, Levelling Up and UK Shared Prosperity Funding at South Holland District Council, said: “Once again several fantastic projects, initiatives and events across South Holland have been awarded funding which will have a significant and positive impact on what they are doing – and in turn for the wider community too.
“There have already been many success stories as a result of the UKSPF funding, from Holbeach Medieval Festival to the rapidly developing plans for Matthew Flinders’ reburial next year.
“I look forward to seeing the part this latest round of funding will play in supporting communities while boosting the local economy.”

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