Police are given areas to improve

Lincolnshire Police has been told it requires improvement in investigating crime and responding to the public.

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has released its report into the force which says it is adequate in five out of 13 categories.
The other areas it ‘requires improvement’ in are recording data about crime, managing offenders and suspects, disrupting serious organised crime, strategic planning, organisational management and value for money, upholding the standards of professional behaviour and tackling potential corruption.
It’s adequate in engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect, preventing crime and anti-social behaviour, protecting vulnerable people, building supporting and protecting the workforce and vetting police officers and staff.
His Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary Roy Wilsher said: “Public interest in police behaviour is high. There is an increased focus from the Government and police on improving vetting, challenging misconduct and tackling corruption.
“This in turn, increases the demand on those working in force vetting units, professional standards departments and counter-corruption units.
“Their work is essential to make sure the right people join the police service, and all officers and staff continue to work with integrity.
“Lincolnshire Police manages its vetting workload well, effectively managing and predicting demand. While it has effective governance in its professional standards department and the standard of its corruption investigations are good, improvements are needed here.
“For example, the force’s counter-corruption control strategy is missing some significant control measures we would have expected to see.
“It also needs to improve how it responds to complaints and conduct allegations and assess some of its vetting arrangements.
“We will continue to monitor the force’s progress.”
Lincolnshire Police chief constable Paul Gibson said: “We accept the findings of this report and that there are some areas where we need to improve, but we’re confident that the action plans we have implemented will work at pace towards achieving these.
“The inspection found that our vetting is good, we are dealing with the small amount of corrupt officers and staff, our investigation into complaints is thorough and proportionate, and we have good investigation standards and good supervision when it comes to counter-corruption. These are the areas that matter most to the public because if we’re failing in these areas of work this is where they would most feel the impact.
“We will of course look at the areas where we need to improve and make sure we act on recommendations, but I’m pleased to see that the inspection team found some areas of good practice where we have effective processes and practices in place, are complying with Authorised Professional Practice, and are providing a good service to the public we serve.
“We continue to invest in vetting, challenge misconduct, and tackle corruption so that we can continue to deliver the highest possible standard of policing to communities in Lincolnshire.”

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