There are hopes that Spalding Indoor Bowls Club will be given a temporary home after being told they won’t be able to play at their current premises over a health and safety issue.
It plays at the Castle Sports Centre Complex which is set for a £28m revamp.
It’s base is not part of that work and the club had believed it could continue playing while the work was going on.
But it was told earlier this year it wouldn’t be allowed to do that.
South Holland District Council’s meeting was told this week that was because there would be too many people on the site.
Portfolio holder Coun Gary Taylor though told the meeting the club could temporarily move to the closed Long Sutton Indoor Bowls club.
Coun Taylor said it was ‘a bit of a blow and a dig in the ribs’ for the club and it ‘didn’t go down too well’.
“Spalding is a club many members are passionate about and it’s successful on the national scene,” he continued. “They came back to us with some very detailed and impressive proposals to work with them and bring back into use the Long Sutton Bowls Club which has been out of use for a few years.
“We are very close to striking that deal which is good news for bowlers and hopefully for Long Sutton too.”
A spokesman for Spalding Bowls Club said: “Our preferred solution would still be for just a summer closure and the club remain at the Castle Complex green during the remainder of the construction work, however we have been told that this is not possible.
“The proposal for Long Sutton is therefore our second choice option but will allow Indoor bowls to continue within the district throughout the construction works.
“The club presented a detailed proposal to the council and talks are ongoing between the council, the building owners and the bowls club.
“A number of details need to be arranged but all parties are committed to making this process as expedient as possible.
“As well as arranging the appropriate lease there are a number of improvements and repairs required to the building which has been unused for eight years.
“The intention is that there will be a lease period of two years only and that it is hoped that Long Sutton will be ready to open in September 2025.
“The club and the council are fully committed to Spalding Indoor Bowls Club returning to its improved home at the Castle as soon as the construction works have reached a stage that it is safe to do so.
“The council are currently indicating that this will be late September to early October 2026.”