Plans in place, but more cash needed for refugee influx

Plans are being put in place to ensure Lincolnshire is ready to offer homes to up to 200 Syrian refugees over the next four years.

Although steps are being taken to make sure schools and other services are able to cope with the influx, it is feared the county may need more financial support from the Government to protect local services which are already under pressure.
And county council leader Coun Martin Hill says he has called on the Government to offer enhanced cash support over and above its pledge to reimburse the costs of supporting new arrivals for the first year and possibly beyond.
He said: “I believe more cash support may be needed, particularly so if the refugees are children on their own or older people with significant health and social care needs.
“Given the financial challenges councils are facing, I’ve made the case for specific long-term help, and other local authorities are doing the same.”
Mr Hill said Lincolnshire could expect to be asked to accept about one per cent of the 20,000 Syrian refugees seeking asylum the Government has pledged to take in by 2020.
He said: “Every area of the country is being asked to play its part, which of course Lincolnshire will do.
“We’ve already been involved in discussions with other organisations, such as district councils, health and the voluntary sector.
“Although we’re still waiting for more information from the Government, we’ll have the support in place for when it’s needed, including at our schools.”
But Coun Hill said there are a number of ways Lincolnshire residents can help, including:
lDonations to charities such as the British Red Cross, Oxfam and Save the Children.
lCharities working with refugees locally may appreciate volunteers – visit to find out about opportunities.
lThere is no need for people to offer a spare room in their houses, but if you have a property that could be used for refugees, please let your district council know. (Call South Holland District Council on 01775 761161).
lResidents keen to consider fostering a child can find out more about Lincolnshire County Council’s fostering and adoption service at or call 0800 093 3099.
Coun Hill said: “Lincolnshire residents are always hugely generous with their time and money, and I’m sure their response to the Syrian refugees will be no different.”

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