Plans for 400 new homes in village

Plans have been submitted to build up to 400 new houses in Pinchbeck by developer Ashley King.

The application is for outline permission for 300 homes with a detailed submission for 100 properties at Yew’s Farm.

A supporting design and access statement says the first 100 plots could be ‘rapid delivery’ to release money to fund the Spalding Western Relief Road.

The site is currently agricultural and under the local plan is allocated for housing.

Access for the site will come directly from the relief road roundabout at the junction with Spalding Road.

It is the first phase of the Sustainable Urban Expansion to Spalding and the hybrid application will see funding for the relief road, says the statement, and is “the quickest route to enable building at the earliest opportunity.”

The detail of the first 100 homes includes two, three and four bedroom properties.

The site is within a flood risk area, and the application details design measures to outline how the site can be made safe.

They include the ground floor level will be at least half a metre higher than ground level. Around half the site will be gardens, open space and landscaped areas as opposed to impermeable features.

Spalding and Pinchbeck are entirely in Flood Zone three (one in 100 year chance of flooding) and can only expand by permitting development within the zone.

But, according to the application, by raising the finished floor levels, the risk will ‘effectively’ be that of Flood Zone one – which has a one in a 1,000 year chance of flooding.

The application attracted a barrage of comments on the village’s Facebook page – with worries about issues including schools, GP surgeries and dentists in the area.

“Any chance of planning going in for infrastucture, ie roads, schools, dentist, sporting facilities?” asked Gary Coomes.

“We don’t need any more houses in Pinchbeck,” said Jo Gray.

The application is listed under Ashley King Developments, though the design and access statement supporting the first 100 new homes is on behalf of Ashwood Homes. The document states the development will be ‘attractive’ with off-street parking for 300 vehicles and a mix of property types.

“Ashwood is the predominant local house developer in South Holland and is very experienced at addressing the design requirements of the local planning authority,” adds the statement.

The plans will go before South Holland District Council’s planning committee at a later date.

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