Plan for new shop is stopped

A bid to put a One Stop Shop on a Spalding street has been refused after complaints from nearby residents.

The company is looking to convert the former Memory Lane furniture store on Albert Road into one of its convenience store.
But as part of the building was not part of the previous shop it was told it needed change of use planning permission to do so.
That application has now been refused by South Holland District Council on the grounds of the impact on local residents, the space for the store being too big and due to proposed shutters being ‘out of keeping’ with the local area.
Though no details of proposed opening hours were submitted, when the authority granted the store a licence for selling alcohol in April, One Stop had indicated I was looking to open from 6am to 11pm.
There were 10 objections from members of the public and the report of the deciding Chairman’s Panel states: “The volume of objections received on this point highlight the concern of nearby residents and it is considered that the proposal, when taking account of the increased extent of use that is likely to occur, alongside the extent of operative hours, would have a significant and unacceptable impact upon residential amenity in the area.
“Given its resultant use, intensification and extent of operation, it is considered to cause an unacceptable impact on the residential amenities of the occupiers of adjacent properties or land users, when also taking account of the conditions recommended.”
The report also highlights that planning guidance means that stores where there is ‘no substantive need’ should be limited to 100 square metres, which this would exceed and that the shutters ‘are considered to be out of character with the residential nature of the area’.
“The proposal would be somewhat at odds to the character of the building, resulting in an incongruous and unappealing development.”

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