A new board created ‘to lead cultural change’ has met for the first time.
The South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, which South Holland is a part of alongside East Lindsey and Boston councils has held the first meeting of a new, strategic eight member board, drawing on experience from a variety of sectors to lead cultural change.
A spokesman said it hopes the board ‘will helping to create a more vibrant and dynamic arts, cultural and heritage offer for residents and visitors’.
It will include Coun Elizabeth Sneath, South Holland’s portfolio holder for Conservation and Heritage.
The first meeting included a tour of Ayscoughfee.
Chairman of the board Rob Pitman said: “The opportunity to meet face to face with everyone and have privileged tours of Boston’s Guildhall and Spalding’s Ayscoughfee Hall and Gardens was not only a great place to begin but an opportunity to reflect. Lincolnshire has such a wealth of culture and its impact on the globe should not be underestimated.
“Knowing where we’ve come from, helps guide us into an exciting future and this opportunity is so full of potential.”