LETTER: Why I’m voting Labour on June 8

Our Conservative PM, Theresa May, has made another major U-turn by deciding to hold a snap general election.

This announcement has led to another period of uncertainty, closely following the Tory government’s disastrous decision to hold the EU referendum. Interestingly, Theresa May claims a Conservative government is the “government of stability”, possibly in the same manner in which she claims to support those of us “just about managing” and erroneously holds previous Labour governments responsible for the financial crash of 2008, PFI, and the demise of our nations, including our amazing NHS!

Please would you also note that there has been very little mention of the fraud committed by many sitting Tory MPs (www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/kent-police-passes-tory-election-10300266). I will update this forum with the results of this because, other than the Daily Mirror and Channel 4, most of the mainstream media have not considered it relevant to inform the electorate of these criminal offences.

The result of this general election will have an enormous impact on our nation and our own community here in South Holland and The Deepings. It is crucial for us to elect a government that serves our community rather than plunging more people into poverty or further misery as a result of unnecessary and cruel austerity measures.

I am sending out a plea to all to consider thoughtfully and prayerfully their rationale before casting their votes.
You may not believe that you have been impacted negatively by cuts as yet, however, I will mention one which affects us all regardless of our personal circumstances, the fact that our council budgets have been cut back by 40 per cent since 2010 by the Coalition and our current Conservative government.

I would like to list some of my reasons for deciding to vote Labour, this list is not extensive and I welcome your feedback too, regardless of your opinion, as long as it is respectful and insightful because we need to elect a government that is committed to healing our hurting nation:

  • I have personal experience of living in poverty and I do not want even one person to stress about where their next meal is coming from nor the heavy step of menace – the Labour government will give us a real living wage;
  • I want our NHS to be rescued from extinction and to be restructured in a way which serves our population. Without the NHS both my mother and myself would not have survived on September 24th 1964 (my birthdate) in subsequent years my kids and the rest of my family, friends and acquaintances have been cared for by the NHS. A Labour government will end outsourcing to private providers and address the problems we encounter at present;
  • I was fortunate enough to go on school trips, including orchestras, for free and I had free violin tuition at school (my parents were poverty stricken BUT would not accept charity). In addition, I did not have to pay tuition fees for my chemistry degree nor have a crippling student loan – I want free and fair education for all, whatever their age, after all our children, grandchildren and our students are our future and every penny we invest in their education will reap rewards for our nation. Labour will protect education funding and realise our children’s dreams;
  • I want my children to be able to rent or buy affordable property in a location of their own choosing rather than be subject to unscrupulous landlords. A Labour government will invest in building homes which will affordable for first time buyers as well as ensuring adequate supply of council property. This program will give additional employment and a secure home base is a basic human need;
  • I want to make sure that our rights at work are maintained and improved I don’t want my kids to work zero hours contracts and to be exploited by their employer – a Labour government will provide job security and stop erosion of human and worker’s rights;
  • I grew up in the beautiful countryside and want to preserve our planet for future generations and also I’m heartily sick that there is no public transport available to support me in my commute to work; also, if I decide to visit Lincoln, my local city, the last train leaves there at 4pm – this is particularly frustrating as John Hayes MP was appointed Minister of State at the Department for Transport on July 15, 2016. A Labour government will ensure that we are able to voice our concerns at a local level so that issues such as transport infrastructure be addressed; Labour will invest in renewable energy and address climate change too – what’s not to like?
  • On the subject of being listened to at local level, how many of you here in Spalding were aware that we were given the opportunity to have a consultation regarding having our very own town council rather than a district council? How many of you truly think that it’s not a good idea?
  • Finally, just like you, I pay my taxes but there are many wealthy people who don’t and this is not fair! They are taking from us and not reinvesting into our nation – very unpatriotic actually. A Labour government will ensure this practice is stopped by taxing all of us fairly.

Thank you for allowing me to state my intentions with respect to our early general election. I pray that it stimulates respectful discussion and that we elect a government that truly addresses local issues in a manner that serves the greater good.

Georgina Harrison
Secretary for South Holland and The Deepings CLP
Horseshoe Road

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