LETTER: Sir John has lost my vote

I am writing in reply to two or three letters in The Voice of November 12.
How Mr Beal can say that our MP Sir John Hayes is a champion for us his constituents is beyond me.
Since this betrayal of Conservatism of the values I have believed in all my life. I am 72. Following this overreaction to the virus, and the subsequent destruction of our economy, businesses, and our very way of life.
I have been following Sir John since March this year. After continual contact, asking questions, lobbying for common sense to prevail, stop believing the flawed scientific advice in effect to recognise that the Conservative Party has become a Socialist party worthy of Joseph Stalin, led by a man devoid of any Conservative beliefs, bumbling Bolshevik Boris.
Sir John has shown no support to our community, by slavishly following this Government regardless.
He has voted with the Government giving it sweeping powers to imprison us at will, to empower the police to act as the political enforcers of these draconian powers, and destroy livelihoods and town centres like Spalding and Holbeach, which look like they are dead on their feet, regardless of the valiant efforts of traders to keep going.
He illustrated hypocrisy by writing a piece in The Voice recently in which he said ‘Not to see hurt to communal life, and that local businesses should open up.’ And then the week after was one of the 493 English MPs that voted for a further six-month extension to the Coronorvirus Bill which has led to this latest lockdown (38 against, info Hansard.)
He then wrote in his letter about supporting giving £170m for feeding children and the Covid Winter Grant Scheme, where did that come from? Increasing Working Tax Credit by £1,045. Where is all this money coming from? The national debt is £2 TRILLION. Our working youngsters who are left with jobs will be paying this off for generations.
All caused by the likes of Sir John and those other Leeming like MPs.
Meanwhile he is being paid by taxpayers £81,892 + £3.300 pay rise.
He hasn’t got a clue how we get by on our paltry state pension (One of the lowest in Europe below France and Germany).
To date Sir John hasn’t shown value for money, he’s lost my vote and I urge more criticism or support.
He can be contacted by email at [email protected].
You must include name and address to get a reply.

I.F. Ford
Frostley Gate

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