LETTER: Council does its best

A letter in The Voice (January 24) relating to the Holbeach Parish Precept and Carter’s Park is somewhat misleading, though I am sorry that a resident is unhappy.

After new homes are included in the 2019/20 figures, the rise this year will be about 3.7 per cent, in cash terms, less than 25p per house per month. The average precept rise over the three years from 2016 to 2019 was 1.6 per cent.

During this time, amongst other things, new paths were laid in the park and nearby cemetery, main and other fences replaced, an outdoor gym installed, play equipment replaced with much more new kit to come soon, extra CCTV coverage was purchased, new flower bed built and the nature reserve was extended.

There are many dog owners in our town. The new dog run, situated in a former unused area has two wire fences between it and the Academy and a solid steel fence dividing off the football field. No problems have been reported regarding the academy school run times and dogs. There is a twin gate “dog lock” on the Park Road entrance. There were three complaints about the park side entrance shortly after it opened but none since, it could possibly be opened if there was sufficient public demand and is closed to prevent dogs mixing with the public, though they are welcome in the main park, but only on leads.

The cost of the new run needs to be considered against that of repairing the old one and with a rapidly growing population, something the council is obliged to plan for, the park needs every square foot of space to be used fully. I doubt the families using the picnic area during the recent fine weather consider it a waste of space and it is available for other purposes.

The parish council does its very best for our town, without pay or reward, often physically carrying out works themselves and undertaking tasks that would be left to paid staff in higher authorities. They are always happy to receive constructive comments or volunteer help.

Coun Paul Foyster

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