I write to you, me being a registered Lincolnshire Yellow Belly, a life long resident of Gedney North ward and a patient of Park Road doctor’s surgery all that time, born at Holbeach Hospital in 1947.
The continuing saga of local NHS health care connected to this surgery looks like it could at last be resolved but waiting at the surgery on December 9, I overheard an older lady telling a younger mother “they want to extend the surgery but the land was left to us for the use of the people of Holbeach by the Carter family’.
Comments on social media say this is a commercial business and Holbeach Parish Council should not be selling this ‘public’ land.
Could I suggest that common sense prevail and that the land be leased at a sensible rate long term for use only as a doctor’s surgery?
The situation is perfect with the car park adjacent with one hour free parking.
I’m sure the old Carter family would be immensely proud if this happened – and perhaps the additional building could be termed the Carter extension.
It’s unfortunate the practice manager declined to attend the parish council but some of these meetings are not very pleasant!
John Disdel
Gedney Marsh