I’ve been following the correspondence in The Voice recently over various problems in Spalding and environs.
But I can only say that residents of the area only have themselves to blame for constantly voting in Conservatives to run the district council.
Many voters do not bother with local elections, so they cannot really complain when things don’t go right.
Conservatives seem to be, nationally or locally, incapable of running an efficient administration.
The national Conservative government is a case in point, exemplary in its incompetence in mishandling all aspects of its response to COVID-19 and now exam results.
Conservatives are quick to spout phrases like “world-beating”, but everyone now knows, including those who don’t bother to vote, that such phrases are just empty rhetoric.
But all the while the public put a cross in the Conservative box at election time, things ain’t going to get any better.
Leopards do not change their spots, and Conservatives do not change, either.
Michael Mitchell
Holbeach St Marks