A Spalding family are climbing their stairs 1,140 times in a lockdown Three Peaks Challenge.
Dan, Melissa, Noah (7) and Elliot Ford (4) are working as a team to complete the virtual challenge.

So far the family has climbed the equivalent of Scafell Pike raising money for East Anglia Children’s Hospice (EACH) in memory of Melissa’s great aunt Shirley who recently died with coronavirus and whose funeral they were unable to attend due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Melissa said: “We have currently climbed the equivalent of Scafell Pike and have beaten our initial target of £100.
“In total we need to climb the stairs 1,140 times (14,808 steps) for all three peaks.
“We were hoping to take part in the EACH colour run but it’s been cancelled.
“So we decided to do this in memory of Aunty Shirley and her late husband, Uncle Terry.”