Trial Holbeach market site ‘leaves High Street deserted’

Shop traders say moving Holbeach market has had a noticeably bad effect on High Street.

South Holland District Council is trialling having stalls on its Boston Road car park. The move began in January to try and improve visitor footfall and to address health and safety issues at the High Street site.
But shops say the trial has drastically cut footfall from the main shopping area on Thursdays and Saturdays.

Dave Hudson, proprietor of Toto Shoes in High Street, says his business is one of a small handful which faces an uncertain future as a result.
He said: “It’s really serious. We’ve lost three shops already this year and for a couple more the writing’s on the wall – mine included unfortunately.
“Our turnover is down by 50 per cent. We just don’t get the people walking in town now on Saturdays and Thursdays. It’s obvious – it’s deserted.”

Mr Hudson claims the problem is that shoppers are now not visiting High Street.
He said: “The other side of the coin is that one Thursday I needed to bring my car to work and there were so many stalls and vehicles in Boston Road car park that I couldn’t find a space to park.
“Having the market there is just playing into Tesco’s hands. It’s human nature for people to drop and shop. They park up, load up and leave.
“I’m quite annoyed that the council can think that it hasn’t affected local trade.”

Market stalls used to be in Church Street too and Richard Ladbrook, of Laddie’s Ices, believes the council has “missed a trick” by not having the trial there.
He said: “There’s a distinct difference in numbers of people out in the street. I think it’s a backward step for the town and I think all it’s done is help the ones who don’t need the help, such as Tesco and Boyes.”

The town centre has lost a bit of its heart, according to Ann West, of Holbeach Wholefoods in High Street.
She said: “It’s really made the town like a ghost town on Thursdays and Saturdays. It just doesn’t have the buzz that it used to have.”

And John Fox, of nearby Victoria Crafts, has noticed a “definite” reduction in footfall. He thinks moving the market out of the main shopping area was a bad decision.
“It’s a small town anyway and it’s getting more fragmented,” he said.

South Holland District Council says the trial of market stalls in Boston Road car park will continue throughout the summer.
A report will then be put before portfolio holder for place Coun Roger Gambba-Jones in the autumn for a final decision.

He said last week: “Whilst we are keen to support local traders and the high street in general, our priority has to be the long term viability and sustainability of Holbeach market.
“The old location offered us very few options or opportunities in this respect, whereas the current location appears to be meeting our aspirations.”

Holbeach district councillor Tracey Carter, who runs a branch of the family’s estate agency in High Street, said she had not seen a decline in footfall but agrees that Church Street should have been considered for the market trial.
She added: “There’s a part of me that thinks it would have been logical.”

Holbeach Parish Council recently started a business forum to establish ways to promote the town and boost trade.
Coun Carter said it was disappointing that more people had not been attending.

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