Society chair calls for new town council

The chairman of a Spalding group has called for a town council to be created.

Unusually for a town of its size, Spalding does not have a town or parish council taking decisions.
Several years ago a referendum took place as to whether one should be created, but the idea did not get enough support.
Calls have been renewed recently though, particularly with uncertainty about whether Lincolnshire receives devolved powers and how that might change the layout of councils in future years.
A Spalding Town Forum was created instead of a town council made up of councillors and local stakeholders.
Although it can suggest where the Spalding Relief Rate, the share of the council tax town residents pay, goes, it can not make any decisions.
The previous chairman of the forum Roger Gambba-Jones had been an advocate for an elected town council.
He was not successful in May’s election, but John Bland (pictured), the chairman of the Spalding and Civic Society, says his non-election heightens the need for a new town council.
“The departure of one councillor who had frequently called for the establishment of a town council in Spalding has, along with other departures, ironically strengthened the case for a town council,” he said in the group’s newsletter.
“The majority of those elected in Spalding town wards are Independents (circa 80 per cent).
“They now find themselves the opposition to a controlling administration made up of Conservatives – largely from the surrounding district.
“Does that seem fair?
“I am not sure that it does.
“As I’ve previously stated, a town council could potentially have powers that, if used wisely, could make a significant difference to the town.
“Following the decision to establish a town council for Grantham, Spalding will soon be the only town in Lincolnshire without its own council, despite having a population approaching 35,000.
“Is it not time for Spaldonians to take control of their own destiny?”

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