Scouts’ honour for Rotary club

The Rotary Club of South Holland has been certified for its support of the Scout Movement.

The group, which is continuing to provide support for local community groups despite the current lockdown, has been sent a certificate from America by The International Federation of Scouting Rotarians (IFSR).

It follows their donation of some of the money raised during last Christmas’s parade of Santa.

Several Scouts and Guiides organisations helped the Rotary club with the annual event, and by thank you some of the funds went back to the organisation.

South Holland Rotary Club’s Steve Colby said: “We are delighted to receive the award but our involvement with local Scouting organisations has been going on for many years, not just last December.

“We have helped Scouts, Guides, Brownies etc., over the years with financial support for trips, jamborees and conventions in the UK and throughout other countries of the world.

“Last year, we supported Lucy Smith, of Spalding, who attended a World Scout Jamboree in USA.

“She had a wonderful experience there and returned one evening to tell us all about it.

“The club has also supported many other young people on UK and international trips, work experiences and other voluntary service operations in less developed countries such as India and Africa.

“We will continue to provide this support when circumstances allow.”

During lockdown Steve says the South Holland Rotary Club is continuing to meet online every Tuesday night and they’re helping other organisations including those currently looking out for the community.

He continued: “Recently we have given financial support to the Agape Foodbank in Spalding.

“We have similarly given financial support to the local refuge for women and families who have suffered domestic abuse.

“We are delighted to have given money to the local COVID Kindness Team covering Spalding, Pinchbeck and various other villages with volunteers doing their best to ensure that they give supplies to people who are genuinely in need.

“We continue to support The Calvert Trust in the Lake District where we take young people with disabilities to experience outdoor activities each year. It is unable to operate as normal but still needs money to maintain its premises, ponies, etc and as it is a charity it is unable to claim government financial support.

“We want local people to enjoy these facilities in the future so it’s important we support them at this difficult time.

“Many other charitable organisations are continuing their work to help the vulnerable and sick so we have also made a financial donation to Marie Curie, the cancer charity in recent weeks.

“We still welcome enquiries about our work, about membership from anyone who would like to know more about helping us support people less fortunate than ourselves.”

Anyone interested in learning more about The Rotary Club of South Holland and becoming a member or a friend of the club can contact the group through Facebook or by Googling Rotary Club of South Holland.

You can also contact club secretary Ian Smee on 01775 714722.

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