Recognition for maternity nurse

A support worker on a maternity ward was delivered a special surprise midway through a shift recently – an award.

Carol Goddard was presented with the Maternity Support Worker Award while working at Pilgrim Hospital in Boston.
She’d been nominated by her manager Robyn Dalton and Jo Hadley, midwifery quality and professional development lead for NHS England paid a surprise visit to the hospital to present it.
“It’s important we recognise people like Carol, who unassumingly put their heart and souls into their jobs. The care and compassion Carol gives to her patients and families is exemplary,” said Jo. “Carol’s nomination was heart-warming and emotional and her commitment shone through it.”
Carol said: “Thank you. The whole team deserve it for working so hard.”
Ms Dalton said: “I put Carol forward for this award as she is kindhearted, thoughtful and a committed maternity support worker.
“She goes above and beyond expectations every single day.
“Carol regularly receives compliments about her care from her patients, as she gives uninterrupted time, knowledge and patience throughout. Her instincts and her nurturing nature ensure women feel safe and confident in her care.”

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