Public artwork, new markets and a buzz around the streets of Holbeach

Public artwork, new markets and loyalty cards are all in the pipeline for Holbeach.
The town is “buzzing” with enthusiasm after a public meeting to reveal results of a survey into improving its shopping appeal.
Three South Holland district councillors, Tracey Carter, Nick Worth and Francis Biggadike commissioned Leicester-based company Kerching to conduct the survey and present its results.
Each councillor used a portion of their £15,000 designated budget to pay the £1,500 cost of the survery.
“People who were a little bit negative are really positive,” said Coun Carter.
The parish council is already organising a series of food and craft markets starting next month.
The first will be held on Saturday, July 29 in Church Street and the aim is to have a wide range of goods on offer to visitors. Similar events will also be held in August and September.
Next week work is due to start on “smartening-up” the area, with University Academy of Holbeach students poised to produce artwork for empty shop units.
“There will also be a mural put on the inset archway near the public toilets,” said Coun Nick Worth.
“We have also spoken to the owners of 17 High Street, which has a horrible frontage, and there is positive news that they will be sorting it out,” he added.
There is a newly-formed Holbeach Town Action Team which includes businesses and council members, driving the project.
Talks will soon begin with English Heritage to see if funding streams and opportunities are available for the town.
“I can be as ambitious as their pockets are deep,” said Coun Worth.
The shops and businesses in town are being encouraged to create a window display with a floral theme.
A provisional logo for the town, inset below, has already received positive comments and may be adopted formally, said Coun Carter.
“It is baby steps, but we will get there and things are definitely happening,” she said.
There are also plans to introduce a loyalty discount scheme for shoppers to utilise in the town.
Members of Holbeach Civic Society will also be taking pictures of the town before, during and after work.
The survey, as reported in last week’s Voice, showed there was a higher than average number of service shops, such as hairdressers and a lack of branded fashion outlets and children’s clothing shops.
But it stressed the town was “well poised” to become a significant retail centre, benefiting from new housing and population growth.
Traders are being invited to take part in the new Saturday monthly markets.
The first is on July 29 followed by August 19 and September 23.
The events are organised by the Town Action Team and are designed to stimulate activity and encourage shoppers to the town.
Applications are now being accepted for stalls at the events and will close two weeks before each one.
Holbeach Parish Council has applications forms and there is a £10 deposit, refundable on attendance.
A regular newsletter will also be issued to subscribers with updates and news on progress.
Sign-up via the Facebook page Holbeach Local for all the details.
Coun Carter said people started signing-up within hours of it being launched.
The fourth Holbeach Food Festival will be held on Sunday.
The event is free and there are due to be more than 30 stalls at Carters Park for the festival.
Among them will be food producers, bee-keepers and livestock owners from goats to cows and pigs. Gates open at 10am.

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