Surfleet Primary School has been rated inadequate by inspectors.
It follows an Ofsted inspection held back in February, the report of which was released last week.
The school was rated good at its previous inspection in April 2016 but has been told it’s inadequate in the quality of education, leadership and management and in early years provision.
It was rated as “requires improvement” in the other two categories of behaviour and attitudes and personal development.
The report states: “Pupils do not receive a good standard of education at this school.
“The curriculum is poorly planned and lacks ambition.
“Many pupils are behind where they need to be for their age.
“The curriculum does not help them to catch up quickly.”
The report also says that the school’s arrangements for safeguarding are “not effective” and continues: “Leaders must urgently make sure that all staff understand their responsibility for keeping pupils safe and pass on all concerns using the school’s system.”
The Ofsted report continues: “Governors do not have a secure understanding of the school’s weaknesses.
“They know that outcomes have not been good enough but are not aware that the curriculum is not meeting the needs of pupils.
“Governors have commissioned an external review of governance.
“They should act upon recommendations to determine how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved.”