Pinchbeck primary school set to grow to meet demand for places

More building work could be on the cards at a village primary school to keep pace with demand for places.

Pinchbeck East Primary School opened two new classrooms at the end of the last school year, but parents are now being asked their views on plans to expand further so the school has space for a permanent intake of 60 pupils a year.

Previously the school had seen reception classes of 45 but that has temporarily risen for the 2014 and 2015 intake because of a shortage of primary places across the area.

But it would not be possible for the school to take in 60 the following year without additional teaching space.

If the plans go ahead to increase the capacity at the school, the total number of children at Pinchbeck East will rise from 315 to 420.

Lincolnshire County Council has sent a letter to parents asking for their views on the proposal.

If approved building work would begin this year, subject to planning consent, mainly during school holidays to minimise its impact.

The letter says: “Suitable additional teaching and resource spaces both inside and out will be considered to ensure sufficient facilities are in place to accomodate up to 420 primary aged children in total.

“This will include classrooms as well as other areas such as toilets, group rooms and suitable outdoor hard play area.

“Having additional classes and more children of statutory school age on roll at the school will also have financial benefits for the school.

“This may potentially provide the opportunity to enhance teaching provision and career opportunities for staff, which in turn will benefit the learning experience of the children.”

This would include moving from the current mixed year groups at the school to single year group classes of 30 or less.

More information about the plans is available at

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