A Spalding mum has launched an appeal to buy equipment that could stop her baby son developing sight and hearing problems in later life.
Five-month-old Mason Battley has severe brachycephaly, otherwise known as flat headed syndrome.
Though he’s currently perfectly healthy he’s been diagnosed as within the worst affected one per cent in the country with the condition.
It can lead to further problems in later life so his mum Georgia Spinks has launched an appeal to raise the £2,000 they need to purchase a specialised corrective cap that can not be funded by the NHS. They require £1,200 to pay for the deposit.

Georgia said: “My mum noticed the shape of Mason’s head being abnormal first about two months ago.
“We looked into it and we learned about repositioning techniques where you lie the youngster on his side rather than on his back, but Mason always refuses to lie in the positions and plays up
“If things are really bad, and Mason has been diagnosed as a severe case, hearing and sight problems can develop.
“I just want to do the best for my son.”
Georgia looks after Mason and his two-year-old sister Ava and has already raised around £200 for the helmet which is developed by Derby tech firm Technology in Motion. They recently went to the company’s factory to try on a prototype and Georgia says Mason took to the fitting.
She continued: “Now is the time for him to be wearing it as his bones are still soft enough to be shaped by it. We will still do as much repositioning as we can with him.
“He is a lovely, talkative and very smiley boy. I don’t want him to have any problems when he’s older.”
A group of local footballers are getting together to help Georgia’s appeal.
Dom Mason has arranged a charity match for Knight Street in Pinchbeck on April 29 which kicks off at 10.30am.
A host of local players will be taking part. To donate visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/georgia-spinks