Medical centre plans are passed

Plans for an extension of Moulton Medical Centre have been passed.

As reported last week, staff have had to be working from home and in cupboards due to the lack of space at the centre.
But on Tuesday night South Holland District Council’s Planning Committee voted through a single and double storey extension to the High Street base to provide more rooms and services.
Concerns were raised from councillors about the potential overshadowing of a nearby property and due to the loss of parking spaces.
Speaking on behalf of the applicant though, Helen Raymond said that of 434 responses in a recent consultation of patients, only three people said they were concerned about a lack of parking.
“Moulton has 5,658 patients and that’s expanded by 600 in the last six years and is set to increase more rapidly with the new development in the area,” she told the meeting. “The existing building is tired and not compliant with certain regulations.
“There were three possible solutions, extend over the building which would close the building for the duration of the build, find a new site which is costly and takes time or extend allowing the surgery to stay open.
“This really is the most efficient way forward and for the loss of just two parking spaces.
“We did bear the overshadowing in mind and tried to address it in the scheme.
“There are trees there that have never been pruned and the shadowing they create doesn’t seem to cause a problem.”
She also said that the new look car park would be marked and disabled spaces allocated.
The meeting was also told the entrance on to Moulton High Street would be made for pedestrians only so vehicle access would be from East Cobgate.
Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways department had raised no objections saying those using the centre could parking using ‘common sense’ on the road and planning officers felt the benefits of the scheme outweigh the potential negative aspects.
Planning chairman Coun James Avery said: “Common sense is a big ask from the Highways department, but they’re satisfied there’s capacity.
“I applaud the fact it’s a medical facility that’s expanding because there’s a demand from the public with every large application.”

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