Twelve hardy souls turned up for Spalding Fishing Club’s first winter match of the season on the River Glen.
A horrendous day saw gale force winds throughout the day with heavy rain in the latter stages making conditions extremely difficult.
Fishing was from Peg 11 to Peg 22, with most people opting for pegs 16 to 19.
However, things were not as anticipated and pegs 11 and 12 provided both the winner and second place. Andy Wilson was rewarded with 10lb 3oz of roach, skimmers and bleak from Peg 11 to take victory. Pushing him hard was his neighbour Paul Dotchin, with 9lb 5oz, both proving to be excellent weights on the most difficult of days.
Section A was won by Gary Hardy, off peg 16 with 4lb 3oz, and Section B, off 22, by Colin Fisher with 3lb 7oz.
The next match is the Christmas event on December 15. Anyone can book in on the Spalding Fishing Club Facebook page.