LETTERS – Think before you park

I have had a lot of complaints recently about irresponsible parking, particularly near corners, road junctions, and pedestrian crossings.

The Hawthorn Bank/Bourne Road/Winsover Road Junction seems to be the worst with vehicles parking close to corners and on the zig zag lines.

I have asked for the white lines to be extended and enforcement officers to attend.

There also seems to be an increase in roadside parking now that more people are working from home.

Unfortunately, this has generated complaints, mostly related to safety issues.

On some occasions, police have been called following driveways being blocked and obstruction being caused.

Our local police inspector, Insp Waters, has given me some information which he said could be useful to publish and remind you of the followinG points:

1) Rule 243 of the Highway Code which states you must not park opposite or within ten meters of a junction, except in an authorised parking space.

2) Regulation 103 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regs. 1986 section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 & Schedule 2 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 – causing an unnecessary obstruction.

Insp Waters points out that if the police deem a vehicle to be left in a dangerous position they may recover the vehicle and the keeper be liable for costs.

Although dangerous is a much higher threshold than obstruction, an example would be parking on a blind bend.

I would appeal to all residents to park well and with consideration to other road user.

Inconsiderate parking could play a part in someone being killed or seriously injured, especially near schools.

The enforcement of single and double yellow lines is now the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council and not the police.

I know that PCSOs and traffic enforcement officers have been asked to note some of the issues around junctions in the ward and hope we can make the area safer for all road and footpath users, especially as youngsters return to schools and more people to work.

Councillor Angela Newton

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