LETTERS – I will continue to do my best

So Coun Gambba-Jones doesn’t like it because the Independent councillors scrutinise the small budget of £2,000 for maintenance of play across the whole of South Holland.

He wrongly tells readers that the Annual Full Council meeting in May set the budget this year. If he reads his council papers he will see that the Full Council meeting on March 3, 2022 considered and set the Annual Budget for 22/23. And unfortunately I could not attend because, as some people know, I was not well earlier in the year.

There was a recorded vote of those who did attend and how they voted, but I was not there.

In fact, prior to the budget meeting, I did arrange for officers to attend a meeting to which all Independent members could attend if they wanted further information, and we did question some of the items included in the net budget of £10.6m, including waste services and the slow roll out of the brown bins (under Coun Gambba-Jones’ portfolio) which people so urgently sought, plus the repairs and maintenance budget.

The portfolio holder for finance, Coun Coupland, kindly also provided some additional explanatory information. I have asked for information as to where we would have found mention of the £2,000 for playground maintenance and was told we would have not been likely to have identified it.

And at the Full Council meeting of January 19, 2022, I did ask Coun Coupland a question under standing order 7 as to why there was nothing included in the capital programme for spend on leisure facilities, particularly as interest rates were low, and we had been told by the Conservatives we would have new and better leisure facilities before the next election.

So despite over £100,000 having been paid out to consultants over the last five years, the situation had not moved forward and the present Conservative council had made no provision in the budget for this.

But fortunately up steps Boris’s Government to say he is giving away Levelling Up money that might have gone off to EU and we could bid for some, plus any match funding needed could be met from reserves.

And I am pleased to say after trying hard for many years to get improvements to our small play areas and leisure facilities, included much needed ones at the swimming pool and sports hall, Independent councillors supported the bid.

And whilst the Independent Group have not formally submitted an alternative budget over the years, they have, via the scrutiny process and with sensible working together, achieved much for our residents.

I am more than happy to be judged by my record as a ward member. I deliver newsletters, keep in touch with my residents, hold surgeries and often have to suggest to residents in other wards they need to contact their own councillor.

Some tell me they have tried, left messages and had no reply. I seem to recall I delivered a Can I Help You? information leaflet at the outbreak of COVID to my Monkshouse district ward and my Lincolnshire County Council Spalding West ward. This includes Spalding Wygate where residents tell me they don’t receive newsletters from their councillors and only hear from them at election time, even if one has been the member for 23 years!

I will continue to do all I can for Spalding Monkshouse, Spalding West and the whole district.

Coun Angela Newton

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