With regards to the recent article ‘Spalding is dying’, which was published in another newspaper, I totally disagree, based on the evidence of progress being made generally throughout the town.
There are many exciting things to look forward to, now and in the future, that will help to generate growth in the local economy which will attract new quality retailers to the town, replacing others that have closed.
Obviously these changes have, and still are slow, to materialise but with the goodwill and efforts of like-minded local people who want to improve Spalding, they are busy working behind the scenery to make this progress to ensure change and the necessary improvement will happen.
The incremental improvements we see in Hall Place are a good example of progress – that all contribute to the general vibe of the town – with the installation of the new street furniture and planters, and the beautifully designed seating area near the town bridge is definitely an improvement that will help attract visitors to the town.
Then there is the resurgence of the annual flower parade, involving all age groups, which no doubt will attract many tourists.
Also, there is a very exciting vibrant art scene emerging here, with 30 artists, professional and amateur, exhibiting as a group at the local Sessions House this February 22 and 23 which will be open to the public to view their artwork.
We look forward to more cultural events like this in Spalding.
Hopefully the old Johnson Hospital will be considered to house all the arts events and workshops/classes one day.
This will certainly help put Spalding firmly on the cultural map.
Unfortunately at the moment Spalding lacks the amenities where artists are concerned, with little opportunity to show their work in public due to lack of galleries and purpose built arts venues.
Hopefully this will change soon.
Joan Smyth