LETTERS – Bag survey is hard to complete

An article in the local press on Tuesday, August 6 states disappointment about the low (2,000) response to the bags or bins survey (waste survey).
I have just wasted 35 minutes trying to access the form, and have been shunted all over the council’s website ending with a “please wait” sign and for 20 of those minutes, a little blue circle going round and round (I did my crossword puzzle).
If others have the same problem, there is no surprise at the low response.
We are not all IT experts. All that is required is a box on the contact us page saying waste survey, tick that, up comes the form, fill in, click post, done.
Or is the complication intended to deter people, so the council can do as they want due to apathy justified by the low response?
Terry Carter

PS. I vote retain bags.

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