LETTER: It’s not too late to storm the barricades

The Chequers statement unveiled by Theresa May must go down in history as one of the greatest betrayals in Britain’s political history.

The Prime Minister and the Government have allowed Brexit to be hijacked by the establishment – civil servants – the elites, remoaners in Parliament and billionaire businessmen like

George Soros and Richard Branson who do not even live in the UK.

What is currently being proposed by the Government is not the clean Brexit – leaving the EU, Single Market (SM) and Customs Union (CU) – taking back control of our laws, borders and economy/money – that the British people, and 74 per cent of the electorate in South Holland, voted for in the 2016 Referendum, or the 2017 General Election.

The Chequers Statement and White Paper offers a Brexit In Name Only (BINO).

That is why David Davis and Boris Johnson who have resigned in protest deserve our thanks and support.

They have had the courage of their convictions to put the national interest ahead of their careers.

As Boris said: “it is not too late to save Brexit” and he is absolutely right.

I always had doubts about Theresa May who voted to remain leading the Brexit negotiations.

However, after the promises in the Conservative 2017 GE Manifesto to take Britain out of the EU, SM & CU, and her Lancaster House Speech, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Unfortunately, that trust in the PM to deliver Brexit has been betrayed.

Theresa May is lying when she claims that her White Paper, delivers Brexit and is treating the electorate and our democracy with contempt when she suggests otherwise.

The people of this country do not appreciate being treated like idiots!

Brexit means Brexit has been reduced to a whimpering capitulation to Berlin and the unelected EU Commission, which has been negotiating in bad faith and colluding with the remainers in Whitehall to derail Brexit by any means possible.

It is now clear that the country needs new leadership to take Brexit forward.

We need a Prime Minister who believes in and can deliver Brexit and the many benefits it will deliver.

Brexit is far from dead. Our Government and the establishment need to be reminded that they are the servants of the people who have not once, but twice been given clear instructions by the British people to take us out of the EU – lock, stock and barrel – not half in, half out.

In the 2016 referendum we voted by a 1.5 million majority for a clean Brexit, and at the 2017 GE, 80 per cent of voters, voted for parties who stood on the platform of delivering a clean Brexit.

Despite what the cheerleaders for a second referendum may say, that is two clear mandates for the Government to deliver on Brexit, no ifs, no buts.

Overall, we have had nearly four years of ongoing debate and discussion on the subject and the polls still show a majority for leaving the EU with support for a second referendum remaining at just 20 per cent.

So what of the proposed deal? Remember, Theresa May’s mantra that ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’?

That is as true today as it was back in 2016 and 2017, and the Chequers deal is a bad deal.

Taking Chequers off the table leaves three options, and they are already on the table.

The first two are the Canada and Japanese trade deals. Both have eliminated almost all tariffs on goods and allow for frictionless trade with the EU, and there is no free movement of people. Equally, they also make provision for trade in services and do not tie the parties to the EU rulebook.

Either of these options would deliver a clean Brexit and allow us to take back control of our laws, borders and economy.

Option three, no deal, is not really no deal because we would revert to trading under the long established World Trade Organisation rules (WTO).

WTO is how most of the world trades with the EU. Under WTO terms we already enjoy ‘favoured trading nation’ status which means that the EU cannot impose excessive tariffs or customs barriers on UK trade.

Remember, only seven per cent of UK businesses trade with the EU.

WTO would provide the UK with maximum freedom and flexibility to pursue trade deals with the largest and fastest growing economies in the world.

The WTO model as Tony Blair and Mandelson have already pointed out could turbo charge the economy.

Brexit must now be prised out of the hands of Theresa May and allowed to fly. We must not allow the remainers to hijack our Brexit – we must take back control of the negotiations and our country.

It is not too late for the guardians of democracy to storm the barricades of Parliament and Westminster to restore freedom and liberty for the people, by the people.

Craig Jackson
Vote Leave
Constituency Co-ordinator
South Holland & The Deepings

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