LETTER: Flaws to Post Office move

On the 30th March 2017, Fleet Hargate Post Office closed. Established for a hundred years opposite the Baptist Chapel, the post office then moved nearer the centre of the village
before settling into a row of terraced cottages on the opposite side of Old Main Road.
This was convenient for elderly residents, especially those living in 32 sheltered bungalows nearby. A five minute walk every morning for the daily paper gave an opportunity for gentle
exercise in fresh air and the chance of a chat with others on the way.
Notices inside the post office door provided information on events and local contacts for services: missing pets, ironing boards, shoes, plumbers, gardeners, you name it, everything bought and sold
courtesy of the post office.
Nobody expected to get their weekly shop at the post office but it was a meeting place for many and a place to pick up the parish news as well as emergency food supplies and last-minute greetings cards. It was also handy for bus passengers who could call in on the way to the bus stop.
Fleet Post Office was a focal point for residents of a local care home for learning disabled who enjoyed their daily stroll to buy sweets, no roads to cross and friendly faces to greet them. It was possibly the high point of their day. Where do they go now?
When the local branch of NatWest closed its customers were advised to use the post office as a stopgap. Now this facility has gone. Notices informing us of the proposed move of our post office to Gedney Chestnut Farm shop pre-empted the so-called “public consultation” that was supposed to take place. Leaflets describing the myriad benefits of the move referred to “great services at your new branch”, enumerating more than 170 products and services. So far the new post office offers four services but accepting cheques for utility bills is not one of them. Nor does it sell daily or even local papers.
It is very unlikely that notices of people and events affecting Fleet will be on view at Gedney. And far from being “the centre” of the village, Chestnut Farm shop is even further from the centre of Gedney than from the centre of Fleet.
The Code of Conduct covering this travesty refers to “local factors, such as the availability of public transport” and that the situation will be discussed with “the relevant local authority”.
If any of those responsible ever used the 505 Spalding to King’s Lynn bus they would know public transport is unreliable and it could take over an hour to buy a stamp. Elderly non-drivers may be retired but they do not want to spend time waiting for buses that don’t arrive or break down mid-journey. Nor do they want to walk in all weathers for their news.
With what “relevant authority” was this discussed? Surely not Fleet Parish Council who stated their objection, I understand. Since few councillors, parish or district, use public
transport they are unlikely to be aware of these issues.
The isolation and loneliness of old people have been increased by this anti-social move by Post Office Ltd. Fleet has no village hall and only one pub left. Those without close families will be left to their own solitary devices with the risk of dementia always present.
Life in rural areas is less and less likely to appeal to retirees if they can see the bleakness ahead, putting more pressure on urban developments and depleting the countryside.
Under the Code the reasons for the move are supposed to have been made clear. Some customers were told the reason was the Fleet Post Office shop’s lack of profitability. But how could it expect to compete with Tesco or even the Co-op? Surely the main point of a post office is a postal service, not groceries?
We are advised in the Code of Practice that within a period between four and eight weeks after opening a customer engagement exercise will ask for comments on the new arrangement. Leaflets will be available over a two week period. But since the move has already been made it is hard to see what can be done to reverse it.
The owner of the building where Fleet Post Office was sited told me it could have been sold twice over had it remained as a post office.
Someone obviously thought it was a good proposition. So why didn’t they have the chance to prove it?
Joan Woolard

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