LETTER: Control is only part of solution

Alan Meekings makes the rather arrogant assumption that only he and others of his ilk have a genuine concern about the future of this country for our “children and grandchildren”.

When Brexiteers talk about “getting back control”, getting out of the EU is only part of the solution in an attempt to restore proper democratic accountability for the benefit of future generations.

Both the major political parties claim to be pro Brexit but are stuffed with MPs who do everything they can to frustrate the process.

The Lib-Dems are unashamedly Remainers, but as soon as these flaky individuals are rejected at the ballot box, up they pop in the (unelected) House of Lords, beavering away to thwart the will of the people as expressed in the referendum.

They justify their actions by claiming that over 17 million people were mislead or lacked the intellect to understand the arguments.

What does this say about the £9m spent on pro EU membership leaflets handed out by the Government and the £27m given directly to the BBC over nine years by the EU for propaganda?

Obviously using the people’s own money to persuade them of EU benefits proved an utter waste.

No one doubts there is a certain strata (the political class, assorted academics, members of large corporations) that do very nicely out of the EU, either through direct funding or low wage immigration.

The rest of us scratch our heads and wonder why if mass immigration has been such an economic success, do our roads resemble those of a third world country and why is there insufficient money for proper policing, or our schools or the NHS?

I finish with the single market and customs union.

Where is the sanity in restricting third world development by putting severe tariffs on, for example, goods coming from Africa into the EU?

We limit their income on the one hand and then this country doles out £13b in foreign aid with the other.

Bear in mind part of this lunacy means Germany makes more out of the import and export of coffee than the producer country does itself.

It is clear that a whole raft of our MPs would dearly love to rat on the referendum result.

They may do so and demonstrate to the public at large how far democracy has gone off the rails, or they could let us get right away from this corrupt, bankrupt, autocratic institution, known as the EU.

There are consequences whatever they do.

John Hayter
Carrington View
Tongue End

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