LETTER: Cashless parking in Spalding isn’t for all

Regarding cashless parking brought in by South Holland District Council as from June 18. As this was the first I knew of it from the Voice (June 14), firstly I would be interested to know if plans for this were made public before the council agreed to this as I have seen no notification in the local press?

It was stated in the news report that studies carried out elsewhere in the UK showed a preference for card or app payment. Question comes to mind, where in the UK? A city or large town?

Not in the rural area of South Holland.

When speaking to a local councillor on this point, it was suggested that there was not a poll in the local area as this would take too long. It would be interesting to know who carried out the poll and was there a vested interest?

I pointed out that not everyone carries cards about with them (in my case for security reasons), and there are approximately 4m people who are NOT on the internet. So, how do we pay for parking?

The car park in question is the bus station. This is used by many people who park there to take a bus to Peterborough or elsewhere for various reasons.

We are asked by various bodies to help green environment by not using cars where possible, also leaving the roads clear for emergency services.

There is also the question of fraudsters. As cash machines can be tampered with, surely it is easy for them on ticket machines with no cameras?

Which brings to mind the cases of people being mugged for their debit and credit cards.

This could also have a knock-on effect, buses losing passengers and businesses in the area losing income in the long term.

This was obviously not thought through thoroughly and instigated as quickly as possible.

Name and address supplied

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