Great turnout for annual Gareth Hicks Memorial event

The 20th annual Gareth Hicks Memorial Trophy competition saw players past and present join forces to raise £341 for charity.

The tournament, which is held in remembrance of Gareth, donates all proceeds to the leukaemia charity.

In recognition of its 20th anniversary, a group of his former bowls colleagues were invited along to take part. Although many of them had not bowled for many years, they had no hesitation in joining in.

The event was a two bowl triples, with 12 seniors playing alongside juniors from Spalding Indoor Bowls Club, Sutton St James and Long Sutton.

The format was one senior and two juniors playing three games of 50 minutes in a round robin competition.

Two ladies who played alongside Gareth made up the 24 juniors needed due to some last minute drop outs. The eventual winners, on shot difference, were Marie Staples and Danny Gayler.

Runners-up were Donna Tucker and George Eley, while the senior winner was Paul Simpson with Graham Smith runner up.

A spider competition was held for a bit of fun, along with a raffle, and any money left over after paying for lunch and reduced rink charges was included to boost the funds for the charity.

A big Spalding IBC thank you goes to Gareth’s parents, Julie and Graham Hicks who have sponsored this event for 20 years, donating the trophies each year.

Over this period, the event has raised many thousands of pounds for their charity. Thanks also go to the parents of the juniors for allowing them to play and to the many spectators who attended.

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