Students from Spalding’s Sir John Gleed School gained amazing memories and left a lasting legacy on the trip of a lifetime to Tanzania.

The expedition through provider World Challenge was the culmination of two years’ fundraising for the 14 students from years 9, 10 and 11.
Head of religious studies Gemma Wait and learning mentor Sharon Caress accompanied the pupils, who each had to raise £2,295, as well as supply personal kit and pay for vaccinations. The team raised more than £36,000.
Perhaps the most significant part of the trip was the five-day transformation of four classrooms at Kilambo Primary School.
The team bought 3,000 bricks, 72 bags of cement plus sand and painting materials.
And with the help of masons and labourers at a cost of £7 per day, they got to work and made a real difference in the community.
Mrs Wait said: “In total our team changed the look of four classrooms at a cost of around $1,100. While there is still a lot of work to be completed, our challengers have left a lasting legacy to the 600 students and 12 teachers.”

The group also got the chance to experience trekking in stunning landscapes, camping and cooking, and a safari during the fortnight.
Mrs Wait added: “We left Tanzania after having a great experience together and knowing that we have made a big difference to a small community in Kilambo.
“The two years planning did not prepare us for one thing – the most amazing experience we could have dreamed of!”