A fundraising drive this year by a Spalding mum has raised more than £3,500 for Cancer Research UK.
Liz Batterham, who added £387 proceeds from a garden party at Aycoughfee Gardens in Spalding last Saturday, still has four more events to go in 2014.
The inspiration for the fundraising came from the loss of her aunt, Tina Bryan, to cancer last October.
Saturday’s event included live music, bouncy castles, stalls, games and appearances from Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Garfield (courtesy of Mascot Surprises).
Liz (31) said: “About 200 people turned up. When the sun was shining the field was full.
“The highlights had to be the excellent performance of the band, The Influence, who donated their time free of charge, and also the mascots who went down a storm with the kids.”
Fundraising events next month include a stall at Surfleet village fete on Sunday, September 7, followed by a charity raffle and auction ending on September 14.
On Saturday, September 21 is a princess and pirate party at Pinchbeck Village Hall (1.30pm-3pm).
The fun includes a disco, bouncy castle, food and drink, temporary tattoos and stalls.
Cost is £8 per child, with each additional one £7.