FIlm review: Logan (15)

It’s incredible to think that Hugh Jackman has spent 17 years playing legendary X-Men superhero Wolverine.

The Aussie has hacked and slashed his way through eight different films since first donning the adamantium claws in 2000 – and for many people, he simply is the Wolverine.

Logan marks the end of the road for Jackman’s version of the character, so it’s perhaps fitting that it’s comfortably his best outing in the role.

However, it’s also ironic that this performance sees Wolverine as perhaps the furthest from a ‘superhero’ he’s ever been.

Indeed, there are no CGI characters or iconic costumes on display here. And with that move, director James Mangold pretty much re-defines what a superhero film can look like.

The results are both spectacular and emotional, with Logan now the stand-out film in the X-Men universe.

Set in 2029, we find Logan/Wolverine as a broken man. He’s a drunk, obviously ill and hiding his true identity.

He works as a limo driver, doing his best to squirrel away enough money to look after his old friend Charles “Professor X” Xavier (Sir Patrick Stewart), who is suffering with some form of dementia and has to be heavily medicated.

They are joined in hiding by Steven Merchant’s Caliban, with the trio – to the best of their knowledge – the last three of mutantkind.

The real story begins when a mysterious girl known as Laura (Dafne Keen) turns up, with Logan offered money to provide her with safe passage to Canada.

However, Laura is coveted by the same people that have hunted down and destroyed all of the other mutants (an event no other film in the series has depicted).

So, when Logan takes on the job he begins the start of a journey that will ultimately define his character.

The story is loosely based on the popular Old Man Logan storyline from the comics, something fans have wanted for some time.

Playing the chief bad guys here are Boyd Holbrook and Richard E Grant as Donald Pierce and Zander Rice respectively.

It’s fair to say that both played a big role in Laura’s past, but to say anymore would creep into spoiler territory.

Pierce is especially menacing, treating Logan with the same begrudging respect you’d have for a fallen hero of your own (while also hunting him down).

What works best about Logan is the performances of Jackman and Stewart.

Both have been superb in their respective roles over the years, but the 15 rating allows them to dial up the language and action.

Saying that, it’s heartbreaking to see Stewart portray such a broken old version of Xavier.

It’s rare that the interaction between characters impresses more than the action in films of this genre, but Logan proves that it can be done – and very well.

That’s not to say the action isn’t plentiful. Much more brutal than the usual comic book fare, the fight sequences still deliver the goods in a big way.

Perhaps the stand-out is a scene when Xavier loses control in a hotel room, forcing Logan to savagely attack multiple foes.

A one-of-a-kind superhero experience that is accessible to all, Logan really packs an emotional punch.

Also one of the best films of the year so far, it should delight fans of the iconic X-Men characters involved.

A must see.

Voice Verdict: 9.5/10 (reviewed at Boston’s West End Cinema)
+ Incredible, emotional story
+ Jackman and Stewart are great
+ Action is also brilliantly brutal
+ Unique superhero experience

Boston’s West End Cinema (Fri, March 10 to Thurs, March 16)

2D – 10.40am (Sat/Sun), 3.20pm (daily), 8.40pm (daily)
3D – 12.40pm (Sat/Sun/Wed), 6pm (daily)

**JOLLY LLB 2 (12A)
2.15pm (Sat), 5.30pm (Sun), 8.15pm (Wed)

8.15pm (Mon)

6.10pm (daily)

3.20pm (Mon/Tues), 8.20pm (daily)

LOGAN (15)
11.20am (Sat/Sun), 2.20pm (Fri/Sat/Sun/Weds), 5.20pm (daily), 8.25pm (daily)

1pm (Wed), 3.30pm (daily), 6pm (daily), 8.30pm (not Sun/Thurs)

5.45pm (Fri/Mon/Wed), 8.40pm (Fri/Sun/Tues/Thurs)

2D – 2.50pm (Sat/Sun), 4pm (not Sat/Sun)
3D – 12.25pm (Sat/Sun)

2D – 10am (Sat/Sun), 12.30pm (Sun), 1.15pm (Sat)

Sat/Sun 10am – Ballerina (U)
Sat/Sun 10.15am – Moana 2D (PG)                            

Wed 11.30am – Patriots Day (15) & Moonlight (15)

Tues – 5.40pm Logan (15)


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