A Gosberton couple who took on the 2.6 Challenge have smashed their fundraising target.
Adam Newell and Emma Edgoose (both 34) initially hoped to raise £260 for Kidney Research UK but they have now surpassed £530.
On Sunday, Emma ran 2.6miles in the couple’s 14m x 7m back garden (111 laps!) while Adam biked 26km on his turbo trainer.

When Adam was 20 he was diagnosed with igA nephropathy, a chronic kidney disease which causes damage and scarring to the whole kidney.
In 2017 Adam was told he needed a kidney transplant.
Emma said: “We were facing the possibility of months, if not years, of dialysis while Adam waited for a donor, so I decided to get tested to see if I was a compatible donor.
“After many tests we got the news we were hoping for – I was a match! Not perfect but good enough to give us a chance of a ‘normal’ family life with our two young children.

“We were fast tracked through the process and on February 22, 2018, I donated my kidney to Adam at Leicester General Hospital.
“Just over two years later Adam and I want to give something back and help Kidney Research UK because charities are struggling at the moment and it’s a great opportunity to raise awareness of organ donation too.”
To donate visit www.justgiving.com and search for Adam Newell.