COUNCIL MATTERS: Bull & Monkie site, Holbeach car park latest and recycling bag proposal

Gambba-Jones, Rogerby Coun Roger Gambba-Jones
South Holland District Council portfolio holder for place

The Bull and Monkie site in Spalding continues to be a plague on our house so to speak. Rather than chasing the owners to act responsibly time and time again, we are now looking at other options.
The owners owe the council – and therefore local taxpayers – for the clean-up costs.
One way to recover this would be to force the sale of the site. However, this could just see one irresponsible owner replaced by another, so we may well seek a more permanent solution in due course.

A more localised issue, but one close to the hearts of some Holbeach residents, is currently the Boston Road car park.
I say currently, because depending on the outcome of our survey, the car park could well be divided in two. Any division will be dependent on the cost.
If funds can’t be found, then the present arrangement of having one gate closed will have to remain in place, but the gate that’s closed could change, depending on the feedback received.

Another survey we are currently running centres on the way we provide green recycling bags to residents.
Our proposal is to supply every household with an extra roll of green bags every six months, but stop handing out extra rolls on request. The reason for doing this is twofold.

There is some evidence to suggest that a significant number of the extra bags are going to a limited number of people.
Whilst I’m not suggesting that most requests aren’t for genuine use, our street cleaning and fly-tipping teams regularly encounter rubbish dumped in green recycling bags.

Secondly, although we are unlikely to see any financial saving on green bag consumption, there will be a noticeable benefit when it comes to better use of our most valued resource, people.
Staff on the customer service desk at Priory Road spend significant time handing out extra bags and dealing with enquiries about the one roll per person limit.
Removing this requirement means they will be able to deal quickly with other enquiries.

I know some people will see this as a backward step. However, given the present consumption rate, we believe the system of unlimited supply is being taken for granted and abused by some people.
Delivering extra bags to every household will hopefully ensure that every resident gets their fair share.

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