Can you be hero in SADOS drama?

A historic arts company is still on the lookout for the extra space it needs to keep going.

Spalding Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society (SADOS) is due to turn 150 in 2020, but it’s being turfed out of the Monk House Lane property where their sets and props are kept.

The building, know by the society’s members as The Shed, is being sold by the owner.

It’s also available in the town for the SADOS for rehearsals and auditions if needed.

Despite a search that began last April, so far the registered charity has been unable to find a suitable replacement to the property they were allowed to use free of charge for the last 13 years.

The society says it can not afford to rent anywhere and was looking at other possible funding options.

The building also does not have to be in Spalding itself.

Jodie Schweikhardt, chair of SADOS, said: “Our current place is approx 400 square meters so it’s unlikely we’ll find anything of that size, we know.

“Even if we hire a rehearsal hall, that doesn’t solve the problem of storage space. We have lots of scenery and a large wardrobe full of clothes that we need to store, so this is a big headache for us.

“We are the oldest society of its kind and it will be our 150th year in 2020 so it would be a travesty for us to fold.

“There must be a local farmer out there with an outbuilding no longer in use.”

After the success of their latest production The Ladykillers, the SADOS are now busy preparing for their latest show, a version of the musical Fame for 2019.

If you’re able to help SADOS you can contact them by ringing Jodie on 07702 754925 on [email protected]

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