Abuse charity helped 12,700 in a year

A domestic abuse charity helped more than 12,700 people in Lincolnshire during 12 months, with an average of around 35 new people a day making contact.

EDAN Lincs is celebrating its 24th anniversary by highlighting the need for its services.
In the last financial year, to March 31 2023 it received 4,962 referrals and helped a further 7,759 people who made direct contact.
The figure equates to nearly 35 interactions with new people a day.
The charity says it has also supported 298 children and young people, while there have been 988 referrals to its Independent Domestic Abuse Advocates (IDVA) team which provides a specialist service for over-16s who have been referred to a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) and have been assessed as being at a high risk of homicide or serious injury due to domestic abuse.
EDAN also says its refuges have supported 62 families, 90 adults, 122 children or young people during that last financial year.
The charity is also set to get busier.
Now the county’s main point of call for domestic abuse victims, in April it launched the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service.
Delivered with support from Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, the NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board and Lincolnshire County Council sees a more joined-up approach, including a new website for advice www.ldass.org.uk and a support hub and helpline run by EDAN Lincs on 01522 510041 opt 2, accessible Monday to Friday 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays).
New outreach and engagement teams have also been launched in an attempt to make early interventions.
Celia Madden, chief executive of EDAN Lincs said: “It is crucial that victims fleeing domestic abuse are able to access services that they know and trust and are local to them.
“EDAN Lincs delivering LDASS (Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Services) will carry on strengthening links with the NHS, police and other partner agencies in helping women, men and children living in Lincolnshire who have experienced domestic abuse and supporting them to live lives free from the fear of it.
“If you or someone you know is going through domestic abuse, we’re here to help.”
That’s why, ahead of the 25th anniversary, EDAN is looking for donations.
A birthday fundraiser its looking for 2,400 people to donate £1 each or 480 people to donate £5 or 240 people to donate £10 or whatever you can afford. You can also donate at www.justgiving.com/campaign/edanlincs24thbirthday or visit EDANLincs on Facebook.”

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