Labour candidate has low wages and poor roads on hitlist

Tackling low wages and poor transport links are among five “pledges” being made to South Holland voters.

Labour candidate for South Holland and the Deepings Matthew Mahabadi launched his election pledges at an event in Holbeach on Sunday, where he outlined how he wants to deliver economic prosperity, social fairness and infrastructure investment to the area.

He pledged to work with public service providers to defend and upgrade local NHS provision, increase access to employment and training and deliver a Lincolnshire living wage.

Zero-hour contracts and improving bus and train services, particularly in the evenings, and sustainable investment in the area’s roads are also in Mr Mahabadi’s sights.

He said: “Having spoken to many voters over the course of this campaign I have seen how poorly funded local infrastructure, fears over our local NHS and low wages, are concerning people living in both South Holland and the Deepings.

“My plan is to bring investment, prosperity and fairness to our corner of England.

“I am keen for strong incentives to move those residents relying on benefits away from the welfare trap and into the rewarding world of employment through the creation of a Lincolnshire Living Wage, in partnership with local business, that takes account of the real cost of living and gives greater dignity to workers.”

Mr Mahabadi also spoke of his desire to see SureStart provision expanded locally to help get women and young workers with families back into the workplace.

He added: “Critically, we need a Labour government to ensure that NHS services are protected locally and nationally (especially from privatisation) and that communities get the powers and investment that they need to deliver the local services those communities require.

“I will fight for these powers if elected, to drive local investment and growth.”

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