Spalding’s Wombles donned their waders and took to the water for a mammoth effort to clean a stretch of the River Welland.
The team was joined by members of the Peterborough and District Anglers Association.
Everything from a bicycle and shopping trolley, to council-owned waste bins and a lawn mower were recovered by the volunteers.
The river has been kept at a low level by the Environment Agency after the recent flooding further along at Cowbit.
“It was another fantastic joint effort between Spalding Wombles and PDAA,” said member Peter Bird.
“In the Welland we had Ulvis Strokss, Daniel Lewandowskil, Ben Scott and myself,” he said.
Help from the bankside was given by David Szydlowski, Kate Pease, Jane Googer, Wendy Hicks, Sue Gray, Sam Smith-Dale, Neil Andrew and Sandra Bird.
The group’s Facebook page was awash with thanks for the sterling work.
“You guys are beyond amazing. Thank you so much,” said Freda Ball.
“Absolute amazing effort to you all for keeping our town rubbish free. Thank you just doesn’t seem to come close for what you do. A billion thank yous,” said Vickie Andrew.