Who puts a smile on area’s faces?

A councillor says her family history is helping inspire her involvement with the Pride of South Holland Awards.

Coun Elizabeth Sneath has been a long-time supporter of the even which returns on Sunday, March 5, 2023.

This year she’s sponsoring the Service With A Smile award which is something close to her heart.
Elizabeth said: “I am looking forward to sponsoring the Service with a Smile category this year.

“No matter what ever situation we are in, we meet and interact with people every day who are providing us with help, advice and service.

“Their attitude can make every situation either pleasant or difficult.

“Many years ago my Grandfather had a furniture shop in Priory Road, R. Parkinson.

“Even though he died before I was born there are still people who tell me that he used to treat everyone who came into the shop with respect and kindness, whether they were spending hundreds of pounds or just wanted a roll of carpet tape.

“That memory makes me very proud because that is how he was remembered.

“That is what I will be looking for, someone who treats everyone with respect and warmth. This may be an individual or a team who are friendly and kind and have time for everyone.

“Maybe it’s someone who remembers your name next time you call in, who asks after your family or how you are feeling.

“I know that in South Holland we have many such lovely people in a vast array of different businesses and I look forward to reading your nominations and awarding the prizes to some very special people.”

Pride organiser Jan Whitbourn, said: “Elizabeth is passionate about her work as a district and county councillor, always trying to help everyone and looking for ways to make South Holland a better place to live.”

The Pride of South Holland Awards are back to celebrate all that is good in the district.

On Sunday, March 5, 2023, the organiser, Jan Whitbourn will be handing out recognition to many of those who make the district what it is.

But we need to know who those people are.There’s a host of categories for you to send your nominations to Jan on 07779 895388, email [email protected] or email [email protected]

Send us as much information about your nominees as you can.

The more we know about their good work in the community the more likely they are to receive a nomination or even win one of the prestigious awards.

The categories are:

Caring Neighbour (sponsored by Couns Glynnis Scalese and Peter Coupland).

Service with a Smile (sponsored by Coun Elizabeth Sneath).

The Young Achiever Award (sponsored by Molsom Optometrists).

Senior Citizen (sponsored by Calthrops).

Charity Worker (sponsored by Coun Jack Tyrrell and Coun Jo Reynolds).

Community Hero (sponsored by Coun Andrew Woolf and Coun Henry Bingham).

Volunteer of the year (sponsored by David Wilkinson and Ivan Thompson).

Special Achievement (sponsored by Springfields).

Community Sports Group (sponsored by Coun Paul Redgate).

Local Charity Champion Award (sponsored by Bakkavor).

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