What’s On: March 10-16

South Holland Healthy Walks, 10.30am, Holbeach Services Club.

Holbeach and Spalding Explorers: Spalding, 7pm-9pm; Holbeach 7.15pm-9.15pm, www.handsscouts.com

Tots and Carers, 9am-11.30am, Moulton Village Hall.

Vitality classes, Broad Street Methodist Church Hall, Spalding, 11.30am-12.30pm and 1.45pm-2.45pm; Weston Village Hall, 2pm-3pm, £1.50, 01529 411941.

Vibe Contemporary Youth Choir, 5.30pm-7pm, South Holland Centre, Spalding, £3.50.

1st Holbeach Brownies, 5.30pm-6.45pm, 01406 424084.

Fitness 50+ 11am, mother and toddlers’ group 12.30pm, Ruby Hunt Centre, Donington.

Pop-In, 10am-11am, Moulton Community Centre.

Supaclub (5 to 11 years), Lighthouse Pentecostal Church, Haverfield Road, Spalding, 6pm-7.30pm.

Communion and Coffee, St John’s Church lounge, Spalding, 10am.

Coffee morning, Gosberton Methodist Church, 9.30am-11.30am.

Youth club (11-16 years), Long Sutton Market House, Market Street, 6.30pm-9pm.

Sutton Bridge Youth Club, Curlew Centre, 6pm (7-11 years), 7pm (12+).

3Bs Parent and Toddler group, Spalding United Reformed Church, 12.30pm-2.30pm, 07432 618164.

Mums and toddlers, Long Sutton Baptist Church, 1.30pm.

Jolly Spaldonians, St John Ambulance rooms, Pinchbeck Road, Spalding, 1.45pm-3.45pm, 07860 690748 or 07910 651604.

Short mat bowls, Surfleet Village Hall, 4.30pm-7.30pm, 01775 681214.

Mothers and toddlers, Calvary Baptist Church, Spalding, 10am-11.30am, 01775 527516.

Carezone – Lunch for the hungry, Lighthouse Church, Haverfield Road, Spalding, 12.30pm-1.45pm.

Kirton Brass Band, Methodist Church Hall, 6.30pm-7.30pm beginners, 7.30pm-9.30pm main band.

Peterborough and South Lincs social club, www.peterboroughivc.org.uk

Spalding Photographic Society Annual Exhibition of Prints, The Geest Room, Ayscoughfee Hall, Spalding, 10.30am-4pm, Wednesday to Sunday.

Royal Observer Corps Association, Reading Rooms, Church Street, Holbeach, 7.30pm, 01406 423371.

Spalding West Townswomen’s Guild meeting, St John’s Church Lounge, Hawthorn Bank, 2pm-4pm, 01775 766214.

The 16th South Holland Open Arts Exhibition, South Holland Centre, Spalding, 10am-4.30pm.

South Holland Singers, St Paul’s Primary School, Spalding, 7.30-9.30pm, 01775 761106.

Yoga with relaxation (British Wheel of Yoga), 6.30pm-8pm, St Norbert’s Church Hall, Spalding, 07790 469196.

Line dancing, Long Sutton Church Hall (behind Co-op), 6.30pm-7.30pm, 07554 008221.

Line dancing, Weston Village Hall, intermediate, 7.30pm-9.30pm, 07554 008221.


Toddlers and babies group, Lighthouse Church, Haverfield Road, Spalding, 10am-11.30am.

After school club (11-16 years), Lighthouse Church, Haverfield Road, Spalding, 3.30pm- 5pm; RAW 5pm-6.30pm; Livewire 6.30pm-9pm.

Tea dance, Pinchbeck Village Hall, £3.

1st Moulton and Whaplode Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Moulton Community Centre, beavers 6pm-7pm, cubs 6pm-7.30pm, scouts 7.15pm-8.45pm.

Games, worship and teaching (11-15 years), Lighthouse Church, Haverfield Road, Spalding, 6pm-7.30pm; praise, worship and teaching (16 years), 8pm-10pm.

Coffee morning, Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge, 9.30am-10.30am.

Crowland Over 60s Club, Trinity Court, 2pm-4pm, 01733 210158.

Holbeach Air Cadets, Church Street, Holbeach, 7pm-9.30pm, 07506 114143.

50 plus badminton, Castle Sports Complex, Spalding, 9.30am-12pm, 01406 380481.

Baptist lunches, Long Sutton Baptist Church, 11.30am-2pm.

The Ever Young Club, The Umbrella, Westlode Street, Spalding, 10am-1pm, 01775 712359.

Over 60s Social Club, St Norbert’s Community Hall, St Thomas Road, 10.30am-12.30pm.

Adult “Youth Club”, Gedney Dyke Village Hall, 7pm.

The Chill Zone Youth Club, 4.30pm-6.30pm, The Umbrella, Westlode Street, Spalding.

The Mighty Oaks & Sunflowers, Evening of Clairvoyance with David Pinch, 7.30pm, Ivo Day Centre, Spalding, £3, 07818 721067.

Super Soup Lunch for Christian Aid, Broad Street Methodist Church, Spalding, 11.30am-1.30pm.

Crusaders Youth Meeting, Calvary Baptist Church, (11-18 years), 6pm-9pm, 01775 527516.

Pilates, Bear Lane Pinchbeck, 3.45pm-6.45pm, 07861 624649.

Yoga with relaxation followed by afternoon tea, The Pennygate Foundation, Spalding, 2pm-3pm, booking essential, 01775 421001.

Spalding Gentlemen’s Society, lecture “Stonehenge New Discoveries”, Spalding Grammar School, 8pm, £2.

Bingo, Long Sutton Church Hall, doors 6.15pm, eyes down 7.30pm.

Coffee morning, United Reformed Church, Spalding, 10am-11.30am.

Holbeach Town Band learner group, Back Lane, Holbeach, 10am-11am, 01775 712420.

Music night with Sounds Distorted, The Elizabethan Centre, Whaplode Drove, 8pm start.

Vintage Working Weekend, Spalding Marsh, PE12 6HH, tractors, ploughing etc, 07919 888827.

60s, 70s & 80s Night with Treble Nine Roadshow, Holbeach United Services Club, 7.30pm till late, free.

Bingo, Weston Hills Village Hall, eyes down 7pm.

Spalding Cycling Club “Go Ride”, Castle Playing Field, Spalding, coaching sessions 10am-12pm, 07831 737715.

Spalding Baptist church Junior Church, 10.30am.

Sunday school and adult bible class, 10am, family worship services 11am and 6pm, Calvary Baptist Church, Spalding, 01775 760042/527516.

Railway & Model Engineering Show, Surfleet Village Hall, 9.30am-4.30pm, £3, 8-16 years £1, under 7s free.

Spalding Ramblers, Lower Bitchfield, meet near church, 10.30am, 01406 350335.

Diamond Luncheon Club, Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge, 10.30am-3pm.

Totzone, All Saints’ Church, Moulton, 2pm-3pm.

Walking for Health, South Holland Centre, Spalding, 10.45am.

Holbeach Army Cadets, Church Street, Holbeach, 7pm-9.30pm, 07909 111462.

New Age Kurling, St Norbert’s Church Hall, St Thomas Road, Spalding, 2pm-4pm.

Spalding Baptist Church Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade band practice, 7pm.

Donington Youth Club, 7pm-9pm.

Scrabble Club 1pm, bridge 7pm, short mat bowls 7pm, Ruby Hunt Centre, Donington.

Over 50s mobilisation class, Gedney Hill Village Hall, 9.30am.

Craft club, Gosberton Risegate Methodist Church, 7pm-9pm, £1.50.

Bible study, Calvary Baptist Church, Spalding, 7pm-9pm, 01775 527516.

3rd Spalding Boys’ Brigade, United Reformed Church Hall, Pinchbeck Road, Spalding, 6pm-9pm.

Tea dance, Crowland British Legion, 2pm-4.30pm, £2.50.

Girls’ brigade: explorers and juniors, 6pm; seniors and brigaders, 7.45pm; Boys’ Brigade: Anchors and Juniors, 6pm; Company and Seniors, 7.15pm, Long Sutton Baptist Church.

Tulip Toddlers, St Nicolas Hall, The Vista, Spalding, 9.30am-11am.

Craft Club, Whaplode Village Hall, 10am-12.30pm.

Tots and Carers, Moulton Village Hall, 9am-11.30am, 01406 371312.

Become Joyfit & Destressed Club, Pennygate Foundation, 204 Pennygate, Spalding, 11am-12pm.

Pilates, Bear Lane Pinchbeck, 3.45pm-6.45pm, 07861 624649.

Yoga with Relaxation (British Wheel of Yoga), 10am-11.30am, Weston Village Hall, 07790 469196.

Line dancing, Long Sutton Church Hall (behind Co-op), 6.30pm-9.30pm, 07554 008221.

Boys’ Brigade, Spalding Baptist Church, Swan Street, 5.50pm-9pm.

Girls’ Brigade, Spalding Baptist Church, Swan Street, 5.50pm-7.30pm.

Spalding Air Cadets, next to Castle Playing Field, 7pm-9.30pm, 01775 725185.

Deeping St Nicholas Bellringers, Parish Church, 8pm-9pm, 07787 574872.

Coffee morning, 10am-noon, Stables Hall, Fleet.

Coffee morning, 10am-12pm, Broad Street Methodist Church Hall, Spalding.

Portuguese speaking church, Lighthouse Pentecostal Church, Spalding, 8pm.

Diamond Social Club, Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge, 7.30pm-9.30pm, 01406 350276.

Coffee morning, St Mary and St Nicolas Church, Spalding, 10am.

Coffee morning, Broad Street Methodist Church, Spalding, 10am.

Gedney Drove End Primary School Community Library, 3.30pm-5.30pm.

Health Walk, Ruby Hunt Centre, Donington, 10am, 01775 822091.

Little Tots and Mums to Be, Church Hall, Broadgate, Whaplode Drove, 9.45am-11am.

Tots and carers, Moulton Village Hall, 9am-11.30am, 01406 371312.

Gosberton Brownies, church hall, 6.15pm-7.45pm, 01775 840959.

Bible study, Gosberton Clough, 2.15pm, 01775 750213.

Conversation and life skills for migrant workers, Market House, Long Sutton, 7pm-9pm, 01406 366767.

Storytime, Spalding Library, 2pm.

The 1st Spalding Girls’ Brigade, Spalding United Reformed Church, 6pm-7.30pm, 01775 767010.

Tea dance, Holbeach WI Hall, 2pm-4.30pm, £3.

C-Kers (junior club), 5.45pm, Long Sutton Baptist Church.

Modern sequence dancing, Kirton Town Hall, 7pm-10pm, £3.

Bingo, Bromley Hall Pode Hole, 7pm.

Busy Bees Sewing Club, 6pm The Poacher, Double Street, £2.

Walking for Health, Crowland Library, 10.30am, 01733 212687.

Craft workshop, Long Sutton Market House, 9am-noon.

Toddlers and babies group, Lighthouse Church, Haverfield Road, Spalding, 10am-11.30am.

Parents and toddlers, Gedney Drove End Primary School, 2pm-3pm.

Community Library, Holbeach St Marks Primary School, 3.30pm-5.30pm.

Spalding Army Cadets, next to Castle Playing Field, 7pm-9pm, 01775 725185.

Coffee morning, Calvary Baptist Church, Spalding, 10am-11.30am, 01775 527516.

Coffee morning, Gosberton Church Hall, 10am-12pm.

Spalding Marching Ambassadors band practice, Spalding United Reformed Church, Pinchbeck Road, 7.30pm-9pm, 01775 723087.

Tulip Praise Pram Service, St Mary and St Nicolas Church, Spalding, 1.30pm.

Bellringing, St Mary and St Nicolas Church, 8pm-9pm, 01775 725988.

Holbeach Air Cadets, Church Street, Holbeach, 7pm-9.30pm, 07506 114143.

Card craft, Market House, Market Street, Long Sutton, 9.30am-noon.

Conversation and life skills for new arrival/migrant workers, Market House, Long Sutton, 7pm-9pm, free.

Holbeach Town Band practice, Back Lane, Holbeach, 7.30pm-9.30pm, 01775 712420.

Bible Study, Calvary Baptist Church, Spalding, 7pm-9pm.

Spalding Photographic Society meeting, Bowls Clubhouse, Castle Sports Complex, Spalding, 7.30pm.

Mums and Tots, The Pennygate Foundation, 10am-12pm, 204 Pennygate, Spalding, £2.50.

Mums & Tots, Whaplode St Catherine’s Memorial Hall, 10am-12pm.

Holbeach Rainbows, 3.45pm-5pm, 07923 834728.

Bingo, Gedney Dyke Village Hall, eyes down 7.30pm.

Yoga with Relaxation (British Wheel of Yoga), 10am-11.30am, St. Norbert’s Church Hall, Spalding, 07790 469196.

Line dancing, Long Sutton Church Hall (behind Co-op), 9.45am-10.45am, 07554 008221.

Short mat bowls, Holbeach Community Centre, 2pm-4pm.

LCVS Locals providing funding advice and details about volunteering, 10am-midday, Long Sutton Market House, 01775 718008.

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