What to do with cemetery site?

Holbeach Parish Council is opening up the Cemetery Chapels this weekend in a bid to ask residents what they should be used for.

The mid-to-late 19th century building had been mooted as a cafe or wedding venue after ceasing to be used for religious purposes in 2008.
Holbeach Cemetery Chapels Trust was set up to oversee the deteriorating building but was closed two years ago, the parish council say.
It was granted planning permission to change the use from religious to educational and community use as well as works to install utilities such as electricity and water supplies to the building.
Now the parish council, which owns the building, wants to know what the public would like the authority to do with it.
It describes the renovation works needed as ‘extensive’.
A report on its condition provided by the parish council said that recent repair work on the roof ‘saved the building from complete dereliction’.
“There remains a very large amount of repair work needed, the most urgent is the assessment and removal of ironwork from the tower and spire,” the heavily redacted report states.
Items such as costs are among the details blacked out.
A statement from Holbeach Parish Council states: “Did you know that Holbeach Parish Council owns the Grade II listed Cemetery Chapels in Park Road Cemetery?
“We are opening the chapels to the public on Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8 between 11am and 1pm for you to come along and take a look.
“The chapels require extensive renovations and the council are asking the public for ideas as to what they can be used for.
“We look forward to seeing you, hearing your ideas.
“Several councillors will be available to answer any questions.”

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