Village Hall and 120 homes in Deeping St Nicholas set for outline permission

Proposals to build 120 homes and a new village hall in Deeping St Nicholas look set to be given the green light.

South Holland District Council’s planning officers recommended councillors approved outline planning permission for the development on Home Farm off Littleworth Drove when its committee is due to meet on Wednesday, January 10. 

Developer Kier Homes had initially looked to build 135 homes and a shop on the site, however Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council lobbied for the Village Hall instead.

Objections to the development, which is outside the designated boundaries of the village, have been raised by the Environment Agency and 36 members of the public while two letters were submitted in support of the application.

Among the concerns raised by residents were the traffic, a lack of facilities in the village and concerns over flooding. The Environment Agency also objected on the grounds of a flood risk.

However the planning officer’s report to the district council’s planning committee says while recommending outline permission be granted: “Objections raised by residents about highway, amenity and surface water flooding issues will be addressed at reserved matters stage where a more considered approach to design and layout can be negotiated.

“This application purely relates to the principle of the development which on balance and in light of the recommendations made by statutory consultees, the merits of a residential development on a site adjacent to the current settlement boundary, the likely future role and function of Deeping St Nicholas and associated potential housing growth targets is considered sustainable and acceptable in principle.”

The Village Hall would stand at the front of the site on Littleworth Drove. On completion it would be taken over and run by the parish council.

Another planned access would provide a route through from Hay Barn Close. In addition a pedestrian connection is planned through to Haywain Drive.

Social housing is proposed to make up a third of the development.

The permission and the full planning application would need to be completed subject to a Section 106 agreement.

It would need to include a contribution of £652,242 to be spent on a new classroom at Deeping St Nicholas Primary School and on new classrooms, dining room and changing rooms at Deeping Secondary.

NHS England has also requested £53,280 to go to GP consulting and nurse treatment rooms in the area.

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