Toddler group plans to carry on playing

A popular toddler group is hoping to break the mould by continuing to meet during school holidays.

Usually groups for mums and pre-school children take a break when schools are out, but Tulip Toddlers is hoping its members will make the most of the chance to take along older children to join in the fun during February half-term.

If the session is a success, Sarah Partridge, who runs the group, plans to make it a regular thing and continue during Easter and the long summer holiday.

She said: “Tulip is a popular group and after talking to the mums it seemed they wanted to still be able to come during school holidays, so that is what we are going to do in February and see how it goes.

“If it goes well we’ll definitely look at doing it again.

“I’m hoping those mums with older children, probably aged up to about eight or nine, will bring them along and they can join in the fun with the younger children.

“We’ll also be putting on extra activities, such as craft sessions to suit the older ones.”

Sarah, of Spalding, took over the group, which meets at St Nicolas Hall, The Vista, every Monday from 9.30am to 11am, in September after it was threatened with closure because its organisers had other commitments.

The school holiday session will still be on Monday, but at the slightly later time of 10am to 11.30am.

Weekly sessions are usually attended by around 25 families and up to 35 children aged four and under.

There is a charge of £1 per family to include refreshments.

Sarah added: “We are always open to new members.

“It is a really friendly, welcoming group, so just come along and see what we do.”

Activities include ride-on toys, reading corner, make believe corner, painting and play dough.

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