Strangers help John

A disabled woman has thanked the ‘complete strangers’ who helped ensure her 76-year-old partner has been able to return home.

John Clarke snapped his hip bone in two after falling while playing games with his 14-year-old granddaughter.
After a five-day wait for the operation he needed, which included spending his 76th birthday in Boston’s Pilgrim Hospital, the hospital suddenly discharged him as they needed beds.
However hospital staff last Friday said his Holbeach Balmoral Way bungalow was not deemed sufficiently safe to be accessible for John and his broken leg.

John’s partner Kay Secchi is registered disabled as she suffers from lung and heart conditions and has in-operable arthritis and no family members were available, so she put a post on the Spotted Holbeach Facebook page.
Callum Matthews, of CM Roofing, got in touch and he, his brother Brandon and employee Craig Fletcher immediately went round to make John’s bed higher and moved furniture around.
They even returned on the Saturday to make alterations to the bed and ensure it was perfect for John and Kay.
“Never in my life have three complete strangers been so kind to us,” Kay said. “I’d call them angels.
“They raised the bed using elephant feet that they had to go out and buy out of their own pockets and also manufactured a frame for the bed to make it stronger and firmer for John.
“I can’t thank them enough.
“They went so far out of their way to help us and they’re lovely, kind lads.”
Kay said John is now fine and resting up.
“He’s quite a young 76 given he’s always up and about and goes to the gym and walks as much as possible.
“He’s just processing it all now.”
The work cost 23-year-old Callum around £300 but he said: “I just want to give back to the community when I can.
“It’s because of the community I am able to have this business and put food on the table for my kids.
“Helping someone now and again is the least I can do.”

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